2022 Winner ($150,000)
African Relief and Development Foundation
Provision of Integrated Child Health Program (ICHP)
2021 Winner ($150,000)
Michael Bryant, MD.
Clinical Lead, Eternal Love Winning Africa Hospital
Reducing Under 5 Mortality in Liberia

2020 Winner ($150,000)
Jeannière Tumusifu Manegabe, MD.
Medical Doctor, Panzi Hospital
Improving the Management of Meningitis in Children
2017 Winner ($100,000)
Elina Naydenova
University of Oxford
Fighting childhood pneumonia through AI

2016 Winner ($250,000)
Peter Wright
Professor of Pediatrics, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Meeting Maternal and Child Health Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Haiti
2015 Winner ($250,000)
Carrie Jo Cain
Program Manager, World Hope International
Saving Lives at Birth in Sierra Leone with Newborn Resuscitation Training.

2014 Winner ($50,000)
Dr. Joanne Katz
Professor and Associate Chair, Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
Community-based portable ultrasound to reduce intrapartum-related fetal and neonatal death.
2014 Winner ($50,000)
Dr. Abdhalah Ziraba
Associate Research Scientist, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
Averting preterm and underweight neonatal deaths using Community Kangaroo Mother Care.

2013 Winner ($1,000,000)
Anita Zaidi
President, Vital Pakistan
Perinatal Care and Primary Health Promotion Intervention Package.
In 2014, two projects ($128,655.00) were selected as case studies to strengthen the development of a Prize focused on data and scientific proof, and more accurately determine the impact of funded work on child mortality. These case studies served as real-world scenarios to help us better understand what is lacking in terms of data collection and analysis, and how the Prize can be refined to best address those needs. Meet the selected case study recipients below.
2014 Winner ($60,655)
Jaqueline Cutts
Executive Director, Safe Mothers, Safe Babies (SAFE)
The ACT (Action, Care, and Transport) for Child Health Project: Reducing Child Mortality in Uganda in the First 1,000 Days of Life through a Scalable Approach to Improving the Three Delays

2014 Winner ($68,000)
Lynn Cole
Executive Director, RISE International
Assessment of the effect of Water Supply on Child Morbidity.