Tag: Neonatal Period

Stories with Heart: A Commitment to Child Survival

The Children’s Prize recently hosted via a G+ Hangout Stories with Heart: A Commitment to Child Survival, with guests Jacqueline Cutts from Safe Mothers Safe Babies (SAFE) and Rachel Zaslow from Mother Health International (MHI). These two ladies shared heartfelt experiences from their time in Uganda which inspired their journey to pursue their current work in maternal and child health. Through compelling stories,…
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Neonatal Mortality Facts: Every year nearly 40% of all under-5 child deaths are among newborn infants

Did you know…? Every year nearly 40% of all under-5 child deaths are among newborn infants. Do you work in preventing neonatal mortality and have an idea that you’d like to implement to save newborn lives? Then, the $1 million Children’s Prize may be an opportunity worth your time! The neonatal period of infant development…
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