Neonatal Mortality Facts: Every year nearly 40% of all under-5 child deaths are among newborn infants

Neonatal Mortality Facts: Every year nearly 40% of all under-5 child deaths are among newborn infants

children's prize neonatal mortality infant against mother

Did you know…? Every year nearly 40% of all under-5 child deaths are among newborn infants. Do you work in preventing neonatal mortality and have an idea that you’d like to implement to save newborn lives? Then, the $1 million Children’s Prize may be an opportunity worth your time!

The neonatal period of infant development is critical to survival. This refers to the first 28 days following birth. According to Child Info, although under-5 child mortality has experienced a declining trend in numbers from 1990, the neonatal mortality trend has not declined. In fact, the percentage of neonatal deaths within the under-5 child mortality range is increasing, from about 36% in 1990 to about 43% in 2011, and this trend is expected to continue. Regions reporting the largest increase in numbers are North Africa and Eastern Asia.

Globally, neonatal mortality shows a slower decline at 1.8% per year when compared to under-5 mortality decline at 2.5% per year. Focusing on health interventions to address major causes of neonatal mortality is necessary since they differ from those interventions that are appropriate for children under-5. One major cause of neonatal death is being born prematurely which means the infant is not fully grown and is highly vulnerable to infections and birth complications. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), many premature deaths are preventable. Other major causes of neonatal death include low-birth-weight, asphyxia and birth trauma.

This alarming neonatal mortality trend has resulted in a call for systemic action worldwide. Women and newborns need effective, low-cost care to reduce neonatal deaths and promote healthy behaviors. Reaching the UN Millennium Development Goal 4 thereby demands that greater focus be placed in reducing neonatal mortality if we are serious about achieving the 2015 goal.

By offering the chance to apply for and win a $1 Million, the Children’s Prize supports your effort to reduce neonatal mortality.  Let’s make a difference together!


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