$1 Million Child Mortality Prize Announces Date Extension!

$1 Million Child Mortality Prize Announces Date Extension!

girl smiling thumbs up

Applicants around the world seeking to win $1 million to save children’s lives from preventable causes now have until May 31, 2013, to submit their proposals.

The Caplow Children’s Prize announced today that the deadline for submitting proposals has been extended. The new deadline provides additional time for applicants worldwide to submit their ideas in all areas of child mortality while also encouraging the broadest participation possible worldwide.

Today marks 40 days to meet the new deadline on May 31st.

Why should YOU apply? Well, because it’s very simple and you might WIN! But even if you don’t win and you’re selected as one of the top five finalists, the Children’s Prize will be showcasing these selected organization projects in an effort to raise awareness of the work and commitment to saving children’s lives. We hope that people are inspired by the work others are doing on behalf of children around the world!

The Children’s Prize is not about just submitting a great or innovative idea. It’s not about recognizing and rewarding a past accomplishment. The Children’s Prize is about supporting and funding an idea that is ready to become a reality!

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